Laughing Together: 50 Side-Splitting Jokes About Wives Guaranteed to Brighten Your Day | WHATSAPP-JOKER-BABA

here are 50 jokes featuring wives:

1. Why did the wife bring a ladder to the bar? She heard the drinks were on the house!

2. What did the wife say to her husband when he asked what was for dinner? "Reservations!"

3. Why did the husband buy his wife a watch? Because she kept complaining about never having enough time!

4. What did the husband say to his wife when she asked him to put the dishes away? "I'll do it in a minnow!"

5. Why did the wife bring a map to bed? In case she got lost in her dreams!

6. Why did the husband bring a shovel to the beach? Because his wife said she wanted a little sun-dig!

7. How does a wife know her husband is lying? His lips are moving!

8. Why did the wife bring a dictionary to the picnic? So she could look up ant-pasto!

9. What's a wife's favorite kind of plant? "Husband-and-wife" plants—they always stick together!

10. Why did the wife bring a helmet to the party? She heard it was a smash!

11. Why did the wife bring a ladder to the store? She heard they had a high demand for products!

12. How does a wife deal with a messy house? She blames it on her husband's "decorating" skills!

13. Why did the wife bring a candle to the beach? She wanted to have a romantic dinner with her husband—in the moonlight!

14. What's a wife's favorite sport? Husb-and-ball!

15. Why did the husband bring a vacuum cleaner to the beach? His wife said she wanted to see some "sand-suction"!

16. How does a wife feel about her husband's jokes? She's "punny" about them!

17. Why did the wife bring a pillow to the restaurant? She heard the food was "sleep-inducing"!

18. What did the wife say when her husband asked her to go camping? "I'll go, but only if we have a five-star tent!"

19. Why did the wife bring a net to the dinner party? She heard the conversation was going to be fishy!

20. How does a wife deal with her husband's snoring? She turns it into a duet!

21. Why did the husband bring a compass to the kitchen? His wife said she wanted to "spice up" their meals!

22. How does a wife know her husband loves her? He still brings her flowers—even though they're from the garden!

23. Why did the wife bring a suitcase to the party? She heard it was going to be a "packed" event!

24. What's a wife's favorite type of weather? "Hus-breezy"!

25. Why did the husband bring a thermometer to the dinner table? His wife said she wanted to know if the conversation was heating up!

26. How does a wife deal with a broken dishwasher? She turns it into a "hand-washing" bonding activity with her husband!

27. Why did the wife bring a magnifying glass to the picnic? She heard there would be a lot of "small talk"!

28. What did the wife say to her husband when he asked for a massage? "Sure, but only if you rub my feet first!"

29. Why did the husband bring a map to the bedroom? His wife said she wanted to explore new territories!

30. How does a wife feel about her husband's driving? She's always steering him in the right direction!

31. Why did the wife bring a dictionary to the party? She wanted to make sure there were no words left un-defined!

32. What's a wife's favorite movie? "Husband of the Bride"!

33. Why did the husband bring a shovel to the garden? His wife said she wanted to dig up some "rooted" vegetables!

34. How does a wife deal with her husband's bad jokes? She laughs—and then reminds him that she's the funny one in the relationship!

35. Why did the wife bring a pillow to the movie theater? She heard the film was "snooze-worthy"!

36. What's a wife's favorite kind of music? Hubbub—because it always gets her husband talking!

37. Why did the husband bring a calculator to the kitchen? His wife said she wanted to "count calories"!

38. How does a wife feel about her husband's snoring? She thinks of it as free white noise!

39. Why did the wife bring a broom to the party? She heard it was going to be a "sweeping" success!

40. What did the wife say to her husband when he asked for a kiss? "Not until you brush your teeth!"

41. Why did the husband bring a compass to the gym? His wife said she wanted to "exercise directionally"!

42. How does a wife deal with her husband's cooking disasters? She turns them into "learning experiences"!

43. Why did the wife bring a magnifying glass to the library? She wanted to find the "fine print"!

44. What's a wife's favorite hobby? "Husband-hunting" at the mall!

45. Why did the husband bring a calculator to the beach? His wife said she wanted to "add some fun" to their day!

46. How does a wife feel about her husband's fashion sense? She thinks it's a "style in progress"!

47. Why did the wife bring a pillow to the amusement park? She heard the roller coasters were "nap-inducing"!

48. What's a wife's favorite type of dessert? "Hubby cake"!

49. Why did the husband bring a map to the zoo? His wife said she wanted to "navigate" through all the exhibits!

50. How does a wife feel about her husband's jokes? She thinks they're hilarious—especially when they're about her!

I hope these jokes bring a smile to your face!

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